Meet Cathy
Founder and CEO of Vision Partying
The business really was years in the making, but I didn't realize what was taking place.
One ordinary day, while I was programming away as a Programmer Analyst like I’d been doing since 1981, I was called to start vision boarding parties. The idea hit me like a ton of bricks, and the information started flowing to me both day and night for weeks. As someone with faith, I knew this was a higher calling as I couldn’t put my pen down for weeks.
I am a great sleeper, but around this time? I was awoken every night to write more and more on the business and its future.
In shock at what was happening, I had to figure out: why me?
In shock at what was happening to me, I had to figure out: why me?
So, I started to look back over my life.
I went back to my early days as a child and teen. What did I see here? I remembered my mama and papa so dearly wanted a party business. My heart pains when I reflect here because more than anything, I wanted to bring this to life for them. I feel like I have now been called to step into my purpose.
The question that keeps popping into my head is, "Am I ready to be an entrepreneur?" But if I have been called to such a role, then I must be ready.
Sometimes we get in our heads like this. We can't see all the potential we possess and how we are more than ready to take the leap. Can you relate?
As I looked back over my 40-year career as a Programmer Analyst, I see that I am more than qualified with tons of experience in a variety of industries, systems, and processes, and working closely with chief executives and directors. I even had the opportunity to teach a semester at a D1 college, become a tax preparer, and received my Property and Casualty Producer Insurance License. I've worn so many hats, and I see now that they have all prepared me for this moment!
As far back as I can remember, I always looked for ways I could best serve my community. I never could find my fit. I felt like I was in the fairy tale story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears where none of the beds fit quite right – or so I thought. Can you relate to this feeling in your own life?
Once Vision Partying came along and I created my OWN visual representation of what I wanted in life, I had the epiphany that changed things forever.
Vision Boarding is MY passion, but also one I want to bring to my community.
To you.

How can vision boarding help?
1. Youth and young adults can have the opportunity to envision futures beyond their current circumstances.
2. It allows people from all walks of life to connect by dreaming big and manifesting their deepest heart's desires.
3. It inspires creativity in a world where it’s hard to take a moment to just BE.
Vision boards speak a thousand words. Just like that, our passions, dreams, and hopes can be shown on the vision board and come to life over the next few months, weeks, and days.
You can see I didn’t make this decision lightly. I searched out my
heart and soul deeply, then I took the first step.
The first step is the courageous one. It’s the step that takes you out of your comfort zone. Vision Partying is here to stay, and it will bring hope and a new fresh take on vision boarding and goal planning. It's time to change the future thought patterns to how we achieve our Dreams and Goals!
Are you ready to take the first step in this journey and manifest your dreams?
x, Cathy